Those 1600 Puritans



Congratulations! You have reached the "we have our information; now what do we do with it?" stage of the quest. Continue, please...

*Create  a poster-size collage that explains in word and picture the answers to your group's questions.

**Prepare an outline of the questions/answers and label which member of the group will be teaching each segment of the speech.  Everyone will participate. This document will be turned in and graded for its content, completedness, and MUGS. You may set it up in bullets or notes.  You may type it in a Word document or write it on notecards.

***Submit a Powerpoint slide or efile that highlights the 3-5 most important aspects of your group's topic.  These points should be no longer than 2 sentences a piece; this is the last item you will share in your presentation.

 Consult the rubric for the grading of this presentation so you are prepared!