Those 1600 Puritans


THE PROCESS: Group 5--Witch Hunts

Answer the following questions about and create a picture folder for witch-hunts.

1. Define witch-hunt. This should be timeless definition, not one geared to 1692's incident.
2. Who was Joseph McCarthy and what did he investigate? 
3. Why were Americans concerned about Communism during the 1950s? 
4. What was the House Un-American Activities Committee? How were those brought before this committee affected by their appearance there? 
5. What happened when the McCarthy hearings were televised and he began to accuse Army officers of being Communists?
6. How was McCarthyism a witch-hunt?
7. How might the events in the 1692 witch-hunts be compared to those of the McCarthy era in the 1950s?
8. Describe some international incidents that could be considered witch-hunts. (For example, the Japanese internment.)

Joseph McCarthy        Japanese Internment          Blacklists              McCarthyism